Kindly note the following
- The purpose of this form is to register a valid motor accident claim with the insurance company.
- Please ensure that the authorised signature of the policy holder/representative appears on this form– it is illegal for any other personto sign this form.
- For JVC INSURANCE BROKERS to process this request quickly and correctly, please ensure that this form is completed in full.
- Please complete the form in black ink OR electronically and print clearly
- Where you need to make a choice between different options, please mark your selection with an X.
- This form is only valid for three months from the date signed.
- It is the responsibility of the insured to ensure that a claim is reported timeously. JVC INSURANCE BROKERS will not backdate any changes.
- If the spaces provided are not adequate, please attach a list with all relevant details.9.Please email the completed form to the claim’s handler appointed on your claim or to your broker.